Art. PE030181

€ 121.03

Outer-inner tube

ProfileTriangular - 54x4 mm
Length3000 mm

Outer-inner tube


Category for external tubeTriangular 6-7
Category for internal tubeTriangular 8
Insertable on the internal tube30188 - 30190
Insertable on the external tube30805
Tube height - h54 mm
Tube thickness - Sp4 mm
Length3000 mm
net weight14.81 kg

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Spare PartDateShop
Articulation with push button
PE030124Articulation with push button
Category for external tubeTriangular 6 - 54x4 mm
Cross30.2x92 mm
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight5 kg
€ 64.68
Articulation with push button
PE030125Articulation with push button
Category for external tubeBy-Py A7 - 54x4 mm
Cross30.2x106.5 mm
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight4.6 kg
€ 92.39
Articulation with push button
PE030126Articulation with push button
Category for internal tubeTriangular 8 - 54x4 mm
Category for external tubeBy-Py A60 - A8 - 54x4 mm
Cross35x106.5 mm
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight6.96 kg
€ 101.21
Yoke for external tube
PE030143Yoke for external tube
Cross30.2x92 mm
Tube height54 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
ProfileTriangular 54x4
net weight2.2 kg
€ 34.89
Yoke for external tube
PE030144Yoke for external tube
Cross35x94 mm
Tube height54 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
ProfileTriangular 54x4
net weight2.1 kg
€ 48.40
Yoke for internal 8/external A8 tube
PE030145Yoke for internal 8/external A8 tube
Cross35x106.5 mm
Tube height54 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
Category of old productionA8 External
ProfileTriangular 54x4 mm
net weight3.27 kg
€ 52.34
Articulation with push button
PE030773Articulation with push button
Category for external tubeTriangular 7 - 54x4 mm
Cross35x94 mm
Profile1"3/8 - Z.6
net weight5 kg
€ 87.61
Yoke for external tube
PE031005Yoke for external tube
Cross30.2x106.5 mm
Tube height54 mm
Tube thickness4 mm
ProfileTriangular 54x4
net weight1.33 kg
€ 35.04
Articulation with push button
PE031800Articulation with push button
Category for internal tubeTriangular 8 - 54x4 mm
Cross35x106.5 mm
Profile1"3/4 - Z.6
net weight7.35 kg
€ 134.54
Articulation with push button
PE031802Articulation with push button
Category for internal tubeTriangular 8 - 54x4 mm
Cross35x106.5 mm
Profile1"3/4 - Z.20
net weight7.28 kg
€ 134.54

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